Monday, November 26, 2012

Conflict and Citizenship

I just wanted to quickly post a short segment on the current situation in Israel. Over a hundred (if not hundreds) of rockets have been fired over into Israel in the last few weeks. I pray to Hashem that the Israelis, and especially the IDF soldiers, remain safe and healthy. I also wanted to add that despite the ceasefire, there is a war going on against the Jews and the West by extreme militant Islamists. I hope that America and Europe will wake up and realize that this is not a P.R. war, where the best pictures win. This is a serious conflict in which terrorists are shooting missiles and rockets (and blowing up buses) to KILL Israeli citizens, and then hide behind their own children's schools and hospitals.

While I am not a warmonger, I want these people out. 
As Golda Meir said best, "I can forgive them for killing my children, but I cannot forgive them for making me kill theirs. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate ours." 
I want peace. I want peace now. But I believe true peace will only come when we recognize each other's humanity. In order to do that, we need to help the victims of both sides. Whether it's sending toys and medical aid to the children of Sderot or Gaza City, or setting up support groups for victims who've lost limbs and family members... These are the things that will bring about peace.

Other things that will bring about peace are liberating the Palestinians from their true oppressors- the Arab nation. The Arab states have refused to let the Palestinians have a state of their own. In fact, their Arab captors have literally hijacked the Palestinians' land, east of the Jordan River, and continue to suppress them in order to use them as a political pawn in order to "Drive Israel into the sea." They would kill every Palestinian in order to get rid of Israel. When will the real oppression stop? 

With this said, this is the perfect time to make my announcement. Tomorrow, I meet with a Nefesh B'Nefesh representative to talk about getting my 
Israeli citizenship

Despite it being a time of "war" in Israel, I stand firm with my home.
We have survived a dozen wars and three exiles... 
And we will continue to survive until the Moshiach comes. 
But, instead of following the Moshiach into Israel, 
I'll be welcoming him in. 

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